Thursday, February 12, 2009

Loriana Arunasco, the bright star of Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading !

SMA Al-Azhar, the compound of money,religion and beauty ! Loriana is the one, she's the brightstar of Al-Azhar Kelapa gading ! All teenagers should follow her achievements !

loriana_Aruna_NascoYes, I am an Al-Azhar student....

loriana_Aruna_NascoI am cute....

and wanna kiss you all....

loriana_Aruna_Nascoand novita is my best friend....

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Kirim gambar cewek SMA Al-Azhar cakep di sini

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The wet wet wet girls...


Gadis_Indonesiawet two....cooler!

Gadis_Indonesiawet three....super cool!

Gentlemen ! The wet team !!

Why do chicks hotter to looks under wet situation ? it's because their hot body crafted directly under the water ! Are we right ?

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Kirim gambar cewek basah di sini

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


cewekalone in the middle of pine jungle....

cewekwhat if the snake is coming ?

cewekwhat if the "snake" is coming ?

Then she's still adorable....

Cewek, or chick in English, is a mysteriously known as sexual being only. There's much more secrets about them actually instead of sex . To mention some, their boobs, their gorgeousness, their boobs, their beauty, their boobs.....:)

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Kirim gambar cewek bertoket cakep di sini

Posted By: x


Monday, February 09, 2009

Makhluk halus di daerah Banjir!

a beautiful flood....

Indonesia is now in heavy rainy season. Some of province even get the hardest flood ever. Sometimes, a strange phenomenon happens, like the emerge of ghost or other mysterious being, such as fairy. Recently MAMATMIMIT! get the image of some flood-fairy, in the middle of flood around Bukit Duri regency, Jakarta.

Luckily, she's a gorgeous fairy, not the horror one...

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Kirim gambar peri cakep di sini

Yoane Balvaz, Freedom Expression

Yoane_Balvazfreedom to drink....

Yoane_Balvazfreedom to dope....

freedom to be gorgeous....

Yoane Belvaz, thos rocking anchor, express her freedom to MAMATMIMIT!

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Kirim gambar cewek cakep di sini

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